Don’t let the data sufficiency questions on the GMAT throw you off your game. The Nova Press GMAT Prep Course clarifies the directions, outlines methods to use during the test to improve your score, warns against common problems, and provides ways for you to check yourself.
The content on the data sufficiency part of the exam is not anymore difficult than the content in the rest of the math section. Rather, the complicated directions are what increase the difficulty level. By working with Nova Press, you can know the directions before walking into the test and be clear on what they’re actually looking for. We outline how to work through a problem and give clear explanations, so you can follow the reasoning.
Knowing which answers to eliminate can also be key to improving your score. The Nova’s GMAT Prep Course walks step-by-step through how to know which answers to eliminate. We give numerous examples with explanations to help you understand the reasoning process, work in a section on warning you about unwarranted assumptions, and how to check extreme cases.
After all of this, you get a chance to work through three sets of problems on your own. The answers (with explanations) are given in a separate section, so you can check your answers at the end.
Rather than worry about how to study for the data sufficiency section of the GMAT, work with Nova Press. our GMAT Prep Course will make sure you have all of the information you need to master this section (and the rest) of the GMAT.
Originally posted 2012-05-07 22:33:38.