Games Test
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Test Questions
Questions 1 and 2
Seven disks–G, H, L, O, P, S, U–are being inserted in a CD player. The order in which the disks are played is subject to the following restrictions:
L must be played before both O and U. Exactly two disks must be played between G and P one of which must be L. H cannot be played first.
1. If G is played third, which one of the following must be played second?
(A) G
(B) H
(C) L
(D) O
(E) N
2. If L and O are played consecutively, which one of the following cannot be true?
(A) S is played second
(B) G is played second
(C) L is played third
(D) O is played forth
(E) H is played sixth
Questions 3 and 4
Three committees are formed from eight people–F, G, H, I, J, K, L, M. Two of the committees have three members, and one of the committees has only two members.
G serves with M.
L serves with only one other person.
F does not serve with M.
3. If K, J, and I serve on different committees, which one of the following must be true?
(A) K serves with G.
(B) I serves on a committee of two.
(C) J serves on a committee of two.
(D) H serves with F.
(E) J serves with F.
4. Which one of the following conditions is inconsistent with the given conditions? (A) K serves on a committee of three.
(B) M serves with H.
(C) M, H, and I serve together.
(D) F does not serve with G.
(E) H serves with L.
Questions 5 and 6
In a secret code that uses only the letters A, B, C, and D, a word is formed by applying the following rules:
Rule 1: A B C D is the base word.
Rule 2: If C immediately follows B, then C can be moved to the front of the word.
Rule 3: One letter of the same type can be added immediately after an A, a B, or a C.
5. Which of the following letters can start a word?
I. A
(A) I only
(B) II only
(C) III only
(D) I and II only
(E) I and III only
6. The word C A A B C C D can be formed from the base word by applying the rules in which one of the following orders?
(A) 22333
(B) 23232
(C) 32233
(D) 3223
(E) 3233
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