Many standardized tests include writing. If you have pedantic handwriting, you may feel that you can’t get your thoughts out fast enough to do well. Rather than stress, practice with writing prompts similar to those on the test, along with the correct response time frame. Nova Press includes many sample writing prompts in their test prep materials, allowing you to prepare sufficiently before test day.
The sections on writing in any of our test prep materials initially review basic concepts to help your writing. These include basic grammar, sentence structure, and ideas on how to develop your own writing style. It reviews some commonly misused words or phrases and gives tons of examples. You also get a chance to review some prompts and sample responses to those prompts. By seeing other responses, you can learn what are good techniques are used in good writing and ways to improve writing that’s not so hot.
Finally, we provide a number of sample prompts to give you a chance to combine what you’ve learned in the review with your writing skills. In most cases, rubrics are included so you can evaluate your writing based on the same criteria that will be used by the test-graders. If you choose to study with one of our online courses, you get access to our test specialists who can answer questions in real time.
While Nova Press cannot directly influence pedantic handwriting, we can help you be prepared for test day and help you learn to structure your writing to be most effective. That way, you can learn to get your ideas down in an organized and effective way within a time constraint. Let Nova Press help you prepare for your test.
Originally posted 2012-06-28 04:51:21.