The GMAT is made up of several different components, including math, verbal, and the analytical writing assessment. The GMAT full paper consists of two different writing samples: one an analysis of an issue and the other an analysis of an argument. But how do you prepare for this? What can you do to perfect writing a well-thought out and thorough essay in 30 minutes, and then be ready to to it again immediately following?
The Nova Press GMAT Prep Course outlines the four activities you should complete in order to perform successfully on the GMAT full paper. The beginning focuses on correct punctuation and general tips on developing your writing style, followed by sections specifically geared towards the two types of required writing.
The punctuation section works through specific instances to help you learn what to look for in your own writing. For instance, many people use commas excessively. The book provides rules for when to use commas and gives examples with explanations so you can avoid misplacement. Misuse of semicolons, colons, and apostrophes are also common, as are run-on sentences and misplacement of quotation marks. All of the are covered thoroughly in the Nova Press curriculum.
General tips on writing include ways of structuring your essay and key areas for developing a writing style. This section also includes samples of short responses to a prompt for you to revise. Revising your own writing is a bit more difficult, but this can help with the GMAT full paper by helping you decide what to look for in your own writing. Suggestions for the given responses follow, so you can compare your revisions and see where else you can improve.
Grading rubrics for the writing responses begin each of the sections geared specifically toward the writing topics. Then suggestions are given for how to organize your thoughts and the essays. It discusses the pros and cons of different approaches and provides sample prompts and completed essays.
The GMAT full paper can be intimidating to even the best of test-takers, but Nova Press’s GMAT Prep Course can guide you in your preparation so you feel ready on test day.
Originally posted 2012-03-14 23:31:36.