When preparing for the GRE, having access to your study materials whenever the mood to study strikes is important. Nova Press’s GRE Preparation Course online is the perfect solution. With access anywhere that you have Internet, you can schedule study time or study spontaneously. You could study with a book, but Nova Press has a GRE Preparation Website that is convenient and personalized. You can access it anywhere you can access the Internet! Other courses cost upwards of $699, but Nova Press’s GRE Online Course is only $49.95. By registering with this course, you get access to GRE professionals who can give you feedback on your work as well as answer questions via live chat. In addition, you get access to over 600 pages worth of material.
The course is set up in such a way that you can work your way through math, verbal, and/or writing content before taking practice tests OR go directly to the tests. The course monitors your progress and directs you to the areas where you need more work. If you have any question, just ask! Most questions are answered in real time (during regular business hours), but all questions are answered with 24 hours.
The Nova Press GRE Online Course covers all of the content that the book does. Separate sections for math, verbal, and writing help you to focus on the areas you need the most work. Each section comprises a complete review of necessary materials, whether it be basic or more advanced math concept, grammar and punctuation review, or how to find your own writing style. There are practice questions at the end of each topic, followed by answers and explanations on how to get the right ones. The verbal section includes the 400 words and definitions that are most commonly used on the GRE. Just to be on the safe side, Nova Press has included a section on Etymology, so if you do come across a word you don’t know, you can break it down to figure out its origins so you can increase your chances for a right answer on an educated guess. The writing section includes rubrics, so you know exactly that the test-graders are looking for.
So if you’re looking for a GRE preparation course online, look no further. Nova Press’s GRE Online Course is the way to go. It even comes with a guarantee: If you still feel insufficiently prepared for the test after completing the course, you may repeat the course for free – with full access to our instructors! Get prepared with Nova Press.
Originally posted 2012-05-18 20:38:41.