If you’re looking for the perfect GMAT Prep Center, you’ve come to the right place. Nova Press’s GMAT Prep materials are totally comprehensive, giving you everything you need to know in order to master the GMAT. If you’re looking for someplace to study that’s convenient, why not choose your own living room? Our online prep course can be used wherever you have internet access.
With the course, not only do you gain access to the equivalent of over 600 pages of material, you have the opportunity to interact with GMAT experts, who can provide feedback on your work and answer your questions in live chat. The course is individualized, allowing you to work at your own speed and in the areas you wish to focus. It allows you to monitor your progress and even provides reports to identify areas of weakness that you may not be aware of. In addition to these benefits, the course uses StudyDesk to provide a place for you to take notes and view solutions. You can even compare your performance with others enrolled in the course, to see how you measure up.
The course is structured in such a way that you can work through the text of the chapters and then complete the questions for that section. Content includes math, verbal, and writing, thus covering everything you need to know
Nova Press’s GMAT Prep materials are the perfect GMAT Prep Center. Get everything you need in one portable and convenient location and be prepared to master the GMAT.
Originally posted 2015-11-16 05:02:13.